March 9, 2025
Official Statement by the Islamic Party of Turkestan: Clarifying Our Position on Democratic and Secular Turkestan Organizations"

Official Statement by the Islamic Party of Turkestan: Clarifying Our Position on Democratic and Secular Turkestan Organizations"

This document was published by the Turkistan Islamic Party in its online seasonal Arabic magazine ‘Islamic Turkistan’ in issue No. 6. and translated into english by Tahir Imin Uyghurian

Eastern Turkestan was, for hundreds of years, an integral part of the Islamic world. In ancient times, faith was deeply rooted in the hearts of Muslims in those lands, and they lived under Quranic rule, a life in which they were masters of the world.

After Muslims distanced themselves from their religion and belief, the infidel Manchu and Chinese took control over them in the 19th century. But the Muslims in this pure land did not accept humiliation in their religion, and instead resisted, and continue to resist, to repel aggression and to establish their Lord’s law over their land and every land.

The Islamic Party of Turkestan emerged from the events occurring in Eastern Turkestan. It is the hope of this land to restore Islamic life to it and establish God’s law under a righteous Islamic caliphate.

“And fight them until there is no more persecution and the religion is entirely for God.” (Quran, Anfal: 44)

The Islamic Party of Turkestan considers any retreat from these principles as apostasy, delusion, betrayal, and treason against God, His Messenger, and the mujahideen.

“And whoever does not judge by what God has revealed, then those are the disbelievers.” (Quran, Ma’idah: 44)

In recent years, some Turkestani parties based on democratic and secular foundations were established. The Chinese government tried to manipulate people and accuse us of being like those parties, despite the clear difference between our ideas, approach, and theirs.

The Chinese government claimed that these parties are responsible for military operations carried out by mujahideen inside Eastern Turkestan, in an attempt to divert attention from the sacrifices of the Islamic Party’s mujahideen who defend the nation’s honor with their blood.

In reality, armed jihad is the Islamic Party of Turkestan’s method to resolve the Turkestan issue. All mujahideen inside and outside Turkestan are affiliated with us. Any other path for change that does not take Islam as its approach, we entirely disavow.

Anyone who spreads, praises, supports, or helps these secular parties is part of them and their allies.

Therefore, we declare that the following organizations are disassociated from us:

  1. Uyghur Union in America
  2. Uyghur Union in Australia
  3. World Uyghur Congress
  4. Uyghur Association in Sweden
  5. Uyghur Educational Union Association
  6. Eastern Turkestan Social Education and Cooperation Association
  7. Eastern Turkestan Culture and Cooperation Association in Kayseri, Turkey
  8. Uyghur Human Rights Defense Association
  9. Other democratic and secular parties and associations

This statement is issued to clarify the truth for all people.

“And if they deny you, then say: For me are my deeds, and for you are your deeds. You are disassociated from what I do, and I am disassociated from what you do.” (Quran, Yunus: 44)

God is dominant in His command, but most people do not know.

Shura Council of the Islamic Party of Turkestan

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