September 16, 2024
Interview with Pan Xi, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Loyal and Responsible: Resolutely Safeguarding the Continued Stability of Xinjiang’s Overall Social Situation

Doing a good job in Xinjiang is crucial to the overall situation and is a major issue for the entire Party and country. In recent years, Xinjiang’s public security organs have earnestly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions, fully and accurately implemented the Party’s strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, and fully implemented the spirit of the National Public Security Work Conference. With the core focus on unswervingly countering terrorism and preventing violence, they have deeply promoted the legalization and normalization of counter-terrorism and stability maintenance, striving to prevent risks, ensure safety, protect stability, and promote development, effectively ensuring the continued stability of Xinjiang’s overall social situation.

Recently, Pan Xi, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, gave an exclusive interview to our reporter on studying and implementing the spirit of the National Public Security Work Conference.

Reporter: Please share your understanding of the significance of the National Public Security Work Conference.

Pan Xi: This National Public Security Work Conference is a very important meeting held at a crucial moment as our country embarks on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist country and marches towards the second centenary goal. The convening of the meeting has a significant and far-reaching impact on unswervingly adhering to and strengthening the Party’s absolute leadership over public security work, further clarifying the goals and tasks of high-quality development of public security work on the new journey, and striving to create a new situation of modernization of public security work. It also has a significant impact on further stimulating and cohering the will and strength of all police officers and better fulfilling the sacred duties entrusted by the Party and the people.

Reporter: In response to the new situation and new tasks facing public security work, what measures have Xinjiang’s public security organs taken to accelerate the formation and enhancement of new quality combat effectiveness?

Pan Xi: As the frontline and main battlefield of China’s counter-terrorism struggle, Xinjiang faces a severe and complex situation in counter-terrorism and stability maintenance, and must remain highly vigilant. At the same time, with the acceleration of a new round of technological revolution represented by big data, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence, the development of public security technology innovation and the upgrading of public security work face unprecedented historical opportunities.

Facing the new requirements and challenges posed by the new situation and new tasks to public security work, Xinjiang’s public security organs will focus on combat effectiveness standards, based on practical requirements, and adhere to the establishment and improvement of a new type of police operation mode of “specialty + mechanism + big data” as the lead, unswervingly following the path of reform to strengthen the police and science and technology to revitalize the police.

Firstly, strengthen professional construction. Xinjiang’s public security organs take the opportunity of institutional reform to integrate professional forces, integrate professional means, and focus on specializing police types, continuously improving the ability to respond to and handle major risks, major contradictions, and major cases. According to the functional positioning of “provincial main responsibility, city and county main battle, police station main prevention”, we will further streamline the hierarchy, clarify functional positioning, rationally allocate resources, scientifically set up institutions, and form an efficient organizational system from top to bottom. City and county public security organs adhere to the practical orientation, deepen the reform of large department and large police type system, and comprehensively promote the specialization of prevention and control. Police stations strengthen the concept of main prevention, implement the responsibility of main prevention, and improve the main prevention system of police station jurisdiction with smart security community as the core.

Secondly, strengthen mechanism improvement. Xinjiang’s public security organs adhere to the integrated operation mechanism of “intelligence, command, and action” as the lead, break through the barriers between police types, optimize the connection process, smooth the command channels, strengthen collaboration and linkage, promote more efficient and smooth police operation, and ensure unified command, rapid action, and decisive handling once something happens.

Thirdly, strengthen big data empowerment. Xinjiang’s public security organs take the opportunity to implement a three-year action plan for science and technology to strengthen the police (2023-2025), in accordance with the requirements of “unified planning, unified standards, unified construction, unified application, unified operation and maintenance, unified security”, strengthen top-level design and scientific demonstration, integrate existing systems and platforms of public security organs, strengthen data convergence and system integration, promote the continuous deepening of public security big data and informatization in various fields of public security work, and continuously improve the big data tackling ability of public security organs.

Fourthly, strengthen grassroots foundation construction. Xinjiang’s public security organs deeply organize and implement a new round of three-year action plan to strengthen police station work, carry out three major actions of grassroots revitalization, foundation quality improvement, and basic ability improvement, focusing on promoting standardized construction in three aspects of hardware, business, and team at police stations, police service stations, checkpoints, and police rooms, continuously deepening the work of police types supporting police stations, and increasing the intensity of selecting and sending excellent young cadres to the grassroots for training and tempering.

Reporter: It is understood that Xinjiang’s public security has achieved some results in forging a strong public security iron army and building a higher level of rule of law public security. Please talk about the specific work practices.

Pan Xi: Firstly, forge an absolutely loyal, clean, and responsible public security team. Xinjiang’s public security anchors to the “four iron-like” standards, puts political police building in the first place, places all public security work under the absolute leadership of the Party, consolidates and lays a solid ideological foundation for holding high the banner, obeying the Party’s command, and being loyal to the mission, and consciously maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in thought, politics, and action.

Secondly, strengthen practical training for all police. Focusing on improving counter-terrorism and violence prevention capabilities, Xinjiang’s public security deeply implements the three major projects of “forging the soul, sharpening the sword, and strengthening the foundation”, regularly carries out law enforcement practical training activities to improve the emergency response capabilities of the public security team, ensuring that they can be deployed, charge forward, and win in critical moments.

Thirdly, continuously deepen the construction of rule of law public security. Xinjiang’s public security continuously improves and perfects the system of administration according to law, actively cooperates with relevant departments to elevate effective counter-terrorism and stability maintenance measures to local regulations, promotes the introduction of local regulations and government rules such as anti-drug regulations, providing legal and policy support for maintaining stability and social governance.

Reporter: Please talk about the main framework of thoughts for Xinjiang’s public security organs to implement the spirit of the National Public Security Work Conference.

Pan Xi: In the next step, Xinjiang’s public security organs will continue to deeply implement the spirit of the National Public Security Work Conference, refine specific implementation plans, fully promote the modernization of Xinjiang’s public security work, and effectively implement the spirit of the National Public Security Work Conference without compromise.

Firstly, deeply promote the legalization and normalization of counter-terrorism and stability maintenance. Xinjiang’s public security organs hold high the banner of socialist rule of law, maintain a stance of severe crackdown and high pressure without wavering, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of major terrorist incidents. We will optimize and improve counter-terrorism and stability maintenance policies, strategies, methods, and approaches according to local conditions, adhere to the use of rule of law thinking and methods to prevent risks, crack down on crimes, handle problems, and resolve contradictions, promoting counter-terrorism and stability maintenance to always operate on the track of rule of law.

Secondly, continuously promote the construction of a peaceful Xinjiang. Xinjiang’s public security organs strictly crack down on various illegal and criminal activities according to law, strengthen the investigation and rectification of safety hazards, and strictly prevent the occurrence of major accidents. Relying on activities such as the creation of “Fengqiao-style public security police stations” and “million police entering ten million homes”, we will improve law enforcement and duty methods and strengthen the investigation and resolution of conflicts and disputes.

Thirdly, assist in promoting high-quality economic development. Xinjiang’s public security organs will formulate and introduce more measures to benefit the people and enterprises in areas such as entry and exit, household administration, and traffic management, helping to optimize the rule of law business environment and continuously improving people’s sense of gain and satisfaction.

Fourthly, continuously deepen team building. Xinjiang’s public security organs will unswervingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to unite hearts and forge souls, continue to exert efforts in political police building, reform to strengthen the police, cultural education of the police, quality strengthening of the police, strict management of the police, and preferential treatment of the police, promote the in-depth development of comprehensive strict party governance and police governance, and strive to forge a high-quality and strong public security iron army.

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