September 8, 2024

On the morning of November 27, Chen Quanguo, Secretary of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Party Committee, emphasized during his investigation at the Autonomous Region Cyberspace Administration that we should improve network management, strengthen positive online propaganda, and strengthen the application of advanced network information technology with a more vigorous and enterprising spirit, so as to continuously improve the level of network information work in the region and provide strong guarantees for laying a solid foundation for social stability and long-term peace and stability.

Xinjiang Autonomous Region Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Political and Legal Committee Secretary Zhu Hailun and autonomous region leaders Tian Wen, Zhu Changjie, Liu Jianxin, Wan Haichuan and others accompanied the investigation.

At various work platforms of the Autonomous Region Cyberspace Administration, Chen Quanguo cordially visited and comforted the staff, and had in-depth exchanges with them, learned in detail about the personnel quality, salary, job responsibilities, work processes, etc., and listened carefully to the report on the network security and informatization work of the autonomous region. He emphasized that network security and informatization work is related to the overall strategic situation of the party and the country, national security and ideological security, social stability and people’s well-being. We must conscientiously implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on network security and informatization work, fully recognize the extreme importance of network security and informatization work, adhere to active use, scientific development, legal management, and ensure safety, and strive to create a new situation in network security and informatization work in the region.

First, we must ensure absolute loyalty. We must strengthen the construction of the talent team, strive to form a team of network talents with high political quality and strong professional ability, constantly enhance the “four consciousnesses”, especially the core consciousness and the consciousness of alignment, and maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics and actions.

Second, we must ensure the correct orientation. We must adhere to unity, stability and encouragement, and focus on positive propaganda, firmly grasp the correct public opinion orientation, give full play to the role of positive online propaganda, and continuously improve the level of online public opinion guidance, so that positive energy is abundant and the main theme is high.

Third, we must ensure a solid position. We must strengthen the construction of mainstream websites, vigorously promote the integrated development of traditional media and new media, vigorously develop online media, mobile media, etc., strengthen the construction of various mobile terminals, grasp the time, degree and effectiveness of online public opinion guidance, and enhance the communication power, credibility and influence.

Fourth, we must ensure people’s satisfaction. Implement the people-centered development philosophy, adapt to people’s expectations and needs, accelerate the popularization of services, reduce the cost of use, promote the development of the Internet and information industry to better serve the maintenance of national unity, social stability, ethnic unity, religious harmony, improvement of people’s livelihood, poverty alleviation and other undertakings, so that people of all ethnic groups can have a greater sense of gain in sharing the fruits of Internet development.

Fifth, ensure a clear space. Strengthen the management of cyberspace in accordance with the law, vigorously develop a healthy and progressive network culture, improve the reporting platform for illegal and bad information on the Internet, standardize the order of network information dissemination, severely crack down on illegal activities that use the Internet to engage in separatist infiltration, undermine the unity of the motherland, damage national unity, and incite terrorist activities, and create a clean and upright cyberspace.

Sixth, ensure absolute security. Establish a correct view of network security, handle the relationship between security and development, achieve coordination and progress, accelerate the construction of a security guarantee system for key information infrastructure, perceive the network security situation around the clock and in all directions, and enhance network security defense and deterrence capabilities.

Seventh, ensure smooth channels. Give full play to the role of the Internet in guiding public opinion and reflecting public opinion. Party and government organs and leading cadres at all levels must learn to follow the mass line through the Internet, be good at using the Internet to understand public opinion and carry out work, and make the Internet a fast channel for communicating the will of the Party and the people.

Eighth, ensure strong guarantees. We must effectively strengthen the Party’s leadership over Internet information work and achieve full coverage of Party building work on all websites in the region. Party committees and governments at all levels must put network security and informatization work on the important agenda. Leading cadres must strive to improve their ability to use, manage and develop the Internet. All relevant departments must give full play to their advantages and work closely together to jointly promote the Internet information industry in the region to continuously achieve new development and reach a new level. (Reporter Yao Tong)

Original title: Chen Quanguo emphasized during his research at the Autonomous Region Internet Information Office that managing, using and building the Internet well will create a new situation in Internet information work and provide guarantees for the overall goal of social stability and long-term peace and stability. Zhu Hailun accompanied the research

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  八要确保保障有力。要切实加强党对网信工作的领导,实现全区所有网站党建工作全覆盖,各级党委、政府要把网络安全和信息化工作摆上重要议事日程,领导干部要努力提高用网、管网、兴网的能力水平,各有关部门要发挥优势、密切配合,合力推动全区网信事业不断实现新发展、迈上新台阶。(记者 姚彤)

原标题:陈全国在自治区网信办调研时强调 管好用好建好网络开创网信工作新局面 为社会稳定和长治久安总目标提供保障 朱海仑陪同调研

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